Your Result: Mild Anxiety
Thank you for taking the quiz. Please know that while this quiz may (or may not) help you assess your own anxiety, it is not a diagnostic tool. Please see below for a full disclaimer.

Your score suggests that your anxiety is probably having a mild effect on your life. You may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety from time to time. There may be certain events or circumstances that make you nervous, but for the most part anxiety doesn’t have too much of a negative impact on your relationships, your work/school, or how you get through the day.
But you still might benefit from having some anxiety management tools on hand to help you through tough times and to ease those moments of stress.
Here are some great resources you can access right now to help reduce your stress and to live a calm, centered life.
Your first step is to learn more about anxiety to frame it for you.
STEP 1: Frame Your Anxiety
Your first step is to learn a little more about your anxiety to frame it for you.
LISTEN: “What is Anxiety, Really?”
If you're not sure where to start, listen to Episode #2 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 2: “What is Anxiety, Really?”
READ: Calm & Sense
To understand how fear works in the brain read:
Chapter 1 “The Anxious Brain” pp. 3-9
More info about the book here: Calm & Sense. See below for why it's worth it to get a copy.
Here are 4 reliable online sources which offer a wealth of information.
Psychology Today
American Psychological Association
National Institute of Mental Health:
Anxiety & Depression Association of America:
READ: Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway
I also I highly recommend the book “Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway,” by Susan Jeffers. For me it was a real game-changer.
Find the book here on Amazon:
STEP 2: Be Prepared
A panic attack can surface at any time. it helps to have a go-to toolset at the ready when this happens.
DOWNLOAD: Four Panic-Proofing Techniques
Download 4 of my favorite stress fighting tools to help you fend off a panic attack or elevated anxiety. Print and pin it up – or put it on the fridge.
STEP 3: Expand Your Toolset
If you’re looking for a guide to dealing with day-to-day anxiety, my book Calm & Sense may be able to help.
The book offers a broad range of tools and techniques to help you both understand and ease your anxiety. From sound psychological approaches and physical techniques to easy lifestyle changes, Calm & Sense is a “how-to” guide for anyone looking to reduce the anxiety in their lives.
Beyond Chapter 1 above, I would also recommend the following chapters as a good starting point.
READ: Calm & Sense
To understand how your thoughts make you anxious, read:
Chapter 12 “What I Think is Making Me Anxious” pp. 62-68
To understand how your thinking makes you anxious, read:
Chapter 13 “How I Think Is Making Me Anxious, Too” pp. 69-73
To begin to change how and what you think, read:
Chapter 14 “Reframing” pp. 74-79
More info about the book here: Calm & Sense
Not only does the book offer protection for episodes of anxiety and panic, but it’s full of strategies you can use in a more preventative, day-to-day fashion. From simple techniques to easy lifestyle changes, these strategies rely on sound psychological approaches – and you are sure to find a set of go-to methods that work for YOU!
Get the $5 ebook here
STEP 4: Build Long-Term Strategies
Enroll in my mini-course:
Why You're Anxious & What to Do About It: Taking Back Your Life.
It's a step by step, "hands on" set of instructions for understanding what's causing your anxiety and how to get started on the journey to deal with it.
No more wishing and hoping for things to improve. It's about getting to work and creating the life we really want. It includes 10 audio modules plus downloads and other resources.
STEP 5: Get Tune-Ups for Specific Issues
If you have questions about how to address a specific concern or worry about your anxiety, tune in to my podcast Anxiety Connection. I cover a range of topics, and I always try to offer practical solutions that you can start using immediately.
Finding the source of your anxiety is important. Here’s a starter pack for you of key episodes that might be helpful to your anxiety type.
LISTEN: “Get Off the Perfection Hamster Wheel”
The struggle to be perfect is real. It leaves us anxious, frustrated, and exhausted, and it stops us from finishing what we start. Listen to Episode #14 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 14: “Get Off the Perfection Hamster Wheel”
LISTEN: “The Wand of Forgiveness”
Changing just a single thought about forgiveness can help you move beyond the pain of the past and into a more peaceful future. Listen to Episode #7 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 7: “The Wand of Forgiveness”
LISTEN: “Feeling Anxious? Trust Yourself”
A lack of trust in ourselves can be a key source of our anxiety, and it is also something that we can choose to look at differently. Listen to Episode #17 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 17: “Feeling Anxious? Trust Yourself”
To handle anxiety surges – or to soothe anxiety that’s getting in the way of your day-to-day activities, here are a couple specific episodes:
LISTEN: “Just Breathe: Controlling Anxiety From the Inside Out.”
Working with the mechanics of how we breathe, let's explore ways to use that breath to relax our bodies and quiet our minds. Listen to Episode #12 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 12: “Just Breathe: Controlling Anxiety From the Inside Out.”
LISTEN: “Change Your Self-Talk, Change Your Life”
Changing the way you talk to yourself can change how you experience life. Listen to Episode #9 of my podcast, Anxiety Connection.
Episode 9: “Change Your Self-Talk, Change Your Life”
To address specific issues that might come up for you, here are some great resources:
READ: Insomnia Resources
This article contains links to reputable organizations that can provide information about insomnia and other sleep issues:
Insomnia Resources, medically reviewed by Gabriela Pichardo, MD
READ: Anxiety/Panic Resources
If you’re dealing with panic or panic attacks:
Anxiety/Panic Resources, reviewed by Smitha Bhandari, MD
READ: What are the physical symptoms of anxiety?
Here is a great article for understanding and dealing with physical symptoms of anxiety:
What are the physical symptoms of anxiety? by Bethany Juby, PsyD
READ: Coping with Fears and Phobias
If you’re avoiding certain places or situations:
Coping with Fears and Phobias, published by NHS inform, Scotland's national health information service.
READ: What Is Relationship Anxiety?
If you're experiencing anxiety in relationships:
What Is Relationship Anxiety? by Jessica Caporuscio, Pharm.D. and medically reviewed by Jennifer Litner, LMFT, CST
STEP 6: Seek Professional Help (if needed)
Even if your anxiety is mild, you or someone in your life might at some point wish to consider reaching out to a qualified, licensed mental health care professional. If you’re not sure where to find a professional therapist you can start by asking your health care provider.
Also, here are three reputable websites that you can use to connect with a therapist in your area:
American Psychological Association:
Psychology Today:
Anxiety and Depression Association of America:
Please know this quiz is for entertainment purposes only. It’s not meant as a diagnostic tool.
Do not use the information provided on this website (or any website, for that matter) for diagnosing or treating a mental health problem.
Also, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this (or any) website.
Mental health is a serious issue, so if you are concerned at all about your mental or emotional health, contact your physician or health care provider promptly.
If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, please go here: