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10 Ways to Beat the Sunday Night Blues

Taking the “Scary” out of Sunday Night

Do you start worrying about Monday morning sometime late Sunday afternoon? If so, you’re not alone. In a 2015 poll, 76% of the respondents experience “really bad,” Sunday night blues. Anxiety about the week ahead can make you miserable and ruin an otherwise wonderful weekend.

Whether you’re worried about getting everything done in the week ahead, sad because you didn’t have the fun you’d expected over the weekend, or you feel guilty because you left so many chores undone, here are ten ways you can ease those Sunday night blues, and make your weekends great again. Read them over carefully. Then pick and choose only the ones that feel right for you.

1.     Friday afternoon, take a few minutes before you leave work to clean your desk or work area. Tie up loose ends. Answer any last-minute emails. Put together a plan for managing your work load in the week ahead, then leave that plan on your desk, ready to go on Monday morning.

2.     Saturday, do as many chores as possible. Leave Sunday free for fun and/or relaxation.

3.     Sunday afternoon take no more than fifteen minutes to read over your emails and get a jump start on your work week.

4.     Take half an hour to review your successes over the past week. Congratulate yourself, then put together a plan for an even better week ahead.

5.     If it feels good to you, plan and cook meals ahead for the week.

6.     Schedule a fun afternoon activity like going for a bike ride, going to a movie or enjoying a great meal.

7.     Create an enjoyable Sunday evening ritual with other people. For instance, chatting with a friend, watching a TV show with your family or having friends over for pot luck or game night.

8.     Lay out your clothes for the week. Be sure to choose something that makes you feel fabulous to wear to work on Monday.

9.     De-stress your Monday morning. Schedule easy tasks for first thing and, if possible, put off difficult tasks and meetings until later. Schedule a special lunch with a friend, or something to look forward to on Monday night.

10.  Finally, remind yourself of all the things you like about your job, your friends and your family. Focus on things you can look forward to, and remind yourself that whatever the week brings, you’ll be able to handle it. Make a list of things you have to look forward to.

So, which step resonated with you? Why not give it a try?


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